Inviting all to the beautiful journey in Christ, with community, for our city.

Who We Are
We're a church that celebrates complexity. If you have questions, that's great! We will not have all the answers, but we'll stand beside you and seek them together. What we do have is hope in the God who made us, who names us as Beloved, and who transforms us on the road we walk. We stand firm in the path of faith, and we're excited to join with you wherever you might be on that journey.
All people, young and old, rich and poor, black and brown and white, gay and straight, cisgender and transgender, single and married and divorced, those with disabilities seen and unseen, conservative and liberal, and all of those in between. Those with faith and doubt—in joy and tears. All are invited into life in God, with one another, and for the hope of our world.
We are the church: we believe in making worship happen together. Which is why the rhythms of our service are led by regular folks coming forward from their seats to share and invite us into this continual relationship with God. Each week, we celebrate the same patterns of worship, or liturgy: confession, prayers, communion. We know that this rhythm reminds us that all are God’s Beloved, just where we are, without pretension or expectation, and that God calls us forward into transformation.