Scripture Circle


Welcome to All Souls’ Open Scripture Circle! Scripture Circles are a unique opportunity to study the story of God in community in a safe and transformative sacred space. These circles are a little different from a typical “bible study,” so here’s a bit of info on what to expect. 


Who Can Come?

Our circle is open to all, regardless of faith background or Scripture experience level or church affiliation or any other factors. Just as in the All Souls community, everyone is welcome.


What To Bring?

Most importantly, bring your beautiful and curious soul, and an open mind and heart. Many of us like to bring a journal and a pen to jot down thoughts as we learn together. You may also bring a bible if you have one, but if you don’t have one there are extras available in our meeting space. Owning a bible is not a necessity to join, neither is any specific biblical knowledge or study required ahead of time.


Our Scripture Circles are usually led by our dear friend Tara Owens, a spiritual director and Hebrew scholar from Colorado Springs. Tara is the director of Anam Cara, an organization devoted to soul friendship, and she has taught our Boulder Scripture Circles since 2018 as well as tutored a few of us in spiritual directorship and led retreats for members of our community.

Who Leads the Study?


We begin by asking two questions of everyone in the circle:

  • What is your name?

  • What have you been “noodling” on or thinking about with yourself and God recently? Or what is on your heart and mind? 

Out of the gathered words and phrases that everyone brings to the circle, several passages (stories and/or concepts) from Scripture will arise and be recommended by the leader. Then we’ll all vote on which one we want, and we’ll study the one we vote for. There’s no need to read or study anything ahead of time. The study will be guided by the leader, but prompted by what we all are bringing to the circle. 

After we read the chosen study section silently to ourselves, we’ll approach the text with respect in the same way that we would a person that we are meeting again or for the first time. For a narrative passage, we ask two questions to start out: “Where are we in space?” and “Where are we in time?” From that context, the study flows with guiding questions from the leader (wild guessing and sudden “aha!” moments very much encouraged) and in conversation between participants around the circle. No one is forced to participate in a particular way, all are invited to wrestle with the text and story and Spirit and respond however you are willing when you are ready. 

Occasionally Tara or the leader will share context or Hebrew words/phrases or hyperlinks within Scripture that help aid our understanding of the text. Always the approach is to let Scripture speak for itself, to notice how our “reading” of the text can actually “read” us, and to hold humility in our interpretation as well as curiosity and bravery in our exploration together.

What is the Study Like?


Ask anyone who has joined a circle — three hours feels too short! We take a quick break for refreshment around halfway through. If you can’t stay for the length of the whole study, we recommend arriving on time and leaving early if possible, as it’s a bit easier to leave early than arrive late. But we will be happy to have you attend for whatever time you can.

Is it really 3 hours long?


Children have occasionally attended our circle, usually older (around high school age) but sometimes younger. Because ours is an open circle, we welcome everyone without age restrictions, and it is up to each family unit to decide if the study is appropriate for their children. The study is long and goes late, and all attendees are asked to respect the space and each other. Occasionally the topics of study are mature, but the leader is sensitive to the needs of the circle and individuals and will guide the discussion as necessary.

All Souls has hosted at least one Scripture circle for younger ages (upper elementary), and we are working on incorporating these methods of study into our kids and youth circles at all levels. If you’re interested in inviting your kids to Scripture circles or organizing circles for kids, please reach out to to be a part of this exciting ongoing conversation.

Can kids attend?


We gather once a month, often on the second Saturday of the month, at 6-9pm at Pine St. Church, 1237 Pine St. in Boulder, Colorado. We meet in the upper room at the northeast corner of the building, on the top floor up the stairs after you enter the building from either the west entrance or the east entrance. The west entrance has a pin pad for entering the building after hours; email after you register to get the code, or we’ll also send an email the day of the circle with a number to text to get in.

When and where do we meet?

Scripture Circle regulars are fond of saying, “It’s so different that I just can’t describe it… you really have to be there to know what it’s like.” But here are a few thoughts shared by members of our community who love Scripture Circles.

“Ever feel like you like the “getting together with people” part of bible studies, but not the actual bible study? In Scripture Circle, you fall in love with God’s Word and God’s people together. Scripture Circle consists of co-creational learning with academic integrity that brings everyone, including the facilitator, on a journey of change and holy growth.” — Stephanie

“I love how learned and knowledgeable Tara is. It’s amazing how she can dissect a biblical verse and pass those lessons on to all participants and somehow weave the meaning into our current lives. She sheds new light into verses and stories I’ve read and known and now I know them in a new way.” — Marcy

“I think Sarah Bessey’s words from Evolving Faith 2019 capture it best: “I’ve learned to love the Bible for what it is, rather than as a 4th member of the Trinity.” Wrestling with those stories in a vulnerable, safe community space feels like the most ancient form of church. I always leave feeling more grounded and loved than I did earlier that day.” — Katie
