Philosophy Circle

Philosophy Circle

The Philosophy Circle is a small group of people that LOVE questions and conversations. Each week we read one chapter from great thinkers and writers and engage in senseless and fun dialogue. It is a safe space to explore one's working ideas around reality, meaning, and faith.

  • Philosophy Circle meets every Wednesday morning @ 8am, online.

  • If you’d like to get connected, please reach out to Will Forsythe (

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Women's Circle

This spring, we invite the women of All Souls to come together in community on the first Wednesday of every month at 7pm. You are welcome to attend any of our monthly meetings, no matter when you’re able to join us. 

Our gathering will feature contemplation, sharing stories, small group discussion, and time to connect and socialize. Whether you're new to All Souls or have been part of our community for years, this is an opportunity to build a supportive, inclusive space where we can embrace the beautiful, imperfect journey of living and growing in faith alongside one another.

Please contact Caroline Gezon if you have any questions or if you’re interested in co-hosting a gathering or co-facilitating a session.

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Contemplative Circle

Contemplative Circle

So much of our Christian tradition has been rooted in contemplative and mystical practices such as meditation, centering prayer, lectio divina, and imaginative scripture. During this season of practicing, join us Thursdays at 12pm at Pine Street church for a time to sit in contemplative practices together. Please enter the building through the door off of the ramp on the west side of the building. Questions? Please email

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All Souls Community Hike

All Souls Community Hike

Come and meet up for a short morning hike the first and third Friday of each month, from 7am-8am at Chautauqua! We will start each hike with a contemplative question to ponder and discuss on the trail. We'll meet up at the Ranger Cottage off of the main parking lot at 7am. Please reach out to with questions!

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Sunday Worship: With Wonder

Sunday Worship: With Wonder

Please join us for our Sunday worship service at Pine Street Church! A Sunday worship service, with wonder, is simple contemplative service that includes all ages and creates creative space for imagination, art, and reflection.

Join us for a casual dinner at a nearby restaurant after the 4 pm service! This new monthly event is hosted by our Hospitality Team. It’s a great chance to connect, share a meal, and build community in a welcoming space. Whether you're new or have been here for years, we’d love to have you with us— come as you are! (Meals will be self-pay)

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Youth Circle

Our Youth Circles are designed to be places for tweens and teens to gather on Sunday afternoons for fun and connection. Our circles center around building connection with each other and our community, fun, and snacks (of course). Middle and High Schoolers will have separate conversation circles during each Youth Circle. Because we believe that our connection, voices, and actions are powerful you’ll often find us out serving our community so please check the calendar so that you can join in the fun and fellowship. Questions? Please email Rachel Zylstra.

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Philosophy Circle

Philosophy Circle

The Philosophy Circle is a small group of people that LOVE questions and conversations. Each week we read one chapter from great thinkers and writers and engage in senseless and fun dialogue. It is a safe space to explore one's working ideas around reality, meaning, and faith.

  • Philosophy Circle meets every Wednesday morning @ 8am, online.

  • If you’d like to get connected, please reach out to Will Forsythe (

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Scripture Circle with Tara Owens

Scripture Circle with Tara Owens

Join us for a Scripture Circle with spiritual director Tara Owens! These circles are a unique opportunity to encounter and wrestle with the ancient biblical texts in a safe, intimate gathering. No one else has your story and gifts and the perspective that you bring to seeking God in sacred community, and we're excited to join with you in this vibrant and transformative study circle. 

We’ll be gathering in the community room at Pine Street Church. Please note there are 2 options for pricing. The $25 option covers the cost of the event, and the $35 option helps cover first time attendees and scholarships. Please choose the price that works for you! If this is your first experience attending a Scripture Circle, we invite you to sign up for free (please use the code SCRIPTURE24 when you checkout). Questions? Check out the information page, or email Melissa Dykhuis.

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Contemplative Circle

Contemplative Circle

So much of our Christian tradition has been rooted in contemplative and mystical practices such as meditation, centering prayer, lectio divina, and imaginative scripture. During this season of practicing, join us Thursdays at 12pm at Pine Street church for a time to sit in contemplative practices together. Please enter the building through the door off of the ramp on the west side of the building. Questions? Please email

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Palm Sunday Worship Service

Palm Sunday Worship Service

On Sunday, April 13th, we will be partnering with downtown Boulder churches for a special joint service with choir, a Palm Sunday homily and live donkey! The outdoor service will begin at 10 a.m. on Pine Street, between 14th and 15th streets. At 10:30am, after the outdoor service, we will gather on the lawn with the Pine Street Church community for a Sunday brunch. Be sure to dress appropriately for the outdoors and please note the 10am start time. We hope to see you there!

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Philosophy Circle

Philosophy Circle

The Philosophy Circle is a small group of people that LOVE questions and conversations. Each week we read one chapter from great thinkers and writers and engage in senseless and fun dialogue. It is a safe space to explore one's working ideas around reality, meaning, and faith.

  • Philosophy Circle meets every Wednesday morning @ 8am, online.

  • If you’d like to get connected, please reach out to Will Forsythe (

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Contemplative Circle

Contemplative Circle

So much of our Christian tradition has been rooted in contemplative and mystical practices such as meditation, centering prayer, lectio divina, and imaginative scripture. During this season of practicing, join us Thursdays at 12pm at Pine Street church for a time to sit in contemplative practices together. Please enter the building through the door off of the ramp on the west side of the building. Questions? Please email

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Maundy Thursday Taize & Service Opportunity

Maundy Thursday Taize & Service Opportunity

On Thursday, March 28, at 6pm we'll be gathering to celebrate Maundy Thursday with a short taize style service. After the service, we will gather in the basement to make care packages for one of our ministry partners, TGTHR. This will be a beautiful gathering to remember Christ’s last meal with his disciples and the call to us all to “love another”.

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All Souls Community Hike

All Souls Community Hike

Come and meet up for a short morning hike the first and third Friday of each month, from 7am-8am at Chautauqua! We will start each hike with a contemplative question to ponder and discuss on the trail. We'll meet up at the Ranger Cottage off of the main parking lot at 7am. Please reach out to with questions!

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Easter Sunday Worship Service

Easter Sunday Worship Service

Please join us on Sunday, April 20th, at 10am as we celebrate the journey of resurrection. Please note the change in time for our Sunday worship service. Together with Pine Street Church, we will welcome the gift of new life, new beginnings, and new hope. We hope to see you all this Easter for a family inclusive service! And please plan to stay afterward, for refreshments, egg hunt, and hugs. Friends, families, visitors and neighbors are all invited to share food and celebrate together!

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Philosophy Circle

Philosophy Circle

The Philosophy Circle is a small group of people that LOVE questions and conversations. Each week we read one chapter from great thinkers and writers and engage in senseless and fun dialogue. It is a safe space to explore one's working ideas around reality, meaning, and faith.

  • Philosophy Circle meets every Wednesday morning @ 8am, online.

  • If you’d like to get connected, please reach out to Will Forsythe (

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Contemplative Circle

Contemplative Circle

So much of our Christian tradition has been rooted in contemplative and mystical practices such as meditation, centering prayer, lectio divina, and imaginative scripture. During this season of practicing, join us Thursdays at 12pm at Pine Street church for a time to sit in contemplative practices together. Please enter the building through the door off of the ramp on the west side of the building. Questions? Please email

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Listen & Discuss Circle

To the mystic, every moment is sacred—and every step is taken on holy ground. Mirabai Starr, the celebrated author, religious scholar, and “translator of the mystics,” has devoted herself to sharing the insights of beloved figures including Teresa of Avila, Saint John of the Cross, Hildegard of Bingen, and others. In this podcast, Your Life is Holy Ground, Tami Simon speaks with Mirabai Starr about her new book, Ordinary Mysticism, and how we can each open ourselves to the direct experience of divine union—and become agents of change for our troubled world. Please listen to the podcast and come ready to discuss. Hope you can join us!

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Sunday Worship: With Wonder

Sunday Worship: With Wonder

Please join us for our Sunday worship service at Pine Street Church! A Sunday worship service, with wonder, is simple contemplative service that includes all ages and creates creative space for imagination, art, and reflection.

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Youth Circle

Our Youth Circles are designed to be places for tweens and teens to gather on Sunday afternoons for fun and connection. Our circles center around building connection with each other and our community, fun, and snacks (of course). Middle and High Schoolers will have separate conversation circles during each Youth Circle. Because we believe that our connection, voices, and actions are powerful you’ll often find us out serving our community so please check the calendar so that you can join in the fun and fellowship. Questions? Please email Rachel Zylstra.

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Philosophy Circle

Philosophy Circle

The Philosophy Circle is a small group of people that LOVE questions and conversations. Each week we read one chapter from great thinkers and writers and engage in senseless and fun dialogue. It is a safe space to explore one's working ideas around reality, meaning, and faith.

  • Philosophy Circle meets every Wednesday morning @ 8am, online.

  • If you’d like to get connected, please reach out to Will Forsythe (

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All Souls Community Hike

All Souls Community Hike

Come and meet up for a short morning hike the first and third Friday of each month, from 7am-8am at Chautauqua! We will start each hike with a contemplative question to ponder and discuss on the trail. We'll meet up at the Ranger Cottage off of the main parking lot at 7am. Please reach out to with questions!

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Sunday Worship: With Wonder

Sunday Worship: With Wonder

Please join us for our Sunday worship service at Pine Street Church! A Sunday worship service, with wonder, is simple contemplative service that includes all ages and creates creative space for imagination, art, and reflection.

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Community Meeting

Please plan to stay after the service on Sunday, May 4th, for a community meeting. Those who are new or have been at All Souls for awhile, please join us! These short meetings are an important element of our community life together; we look forward to sharing this time with you.

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Community Potluck

Community Potluck

Join us after the worship service for a community potluck! We will gather in the basement to share a meal together. Please bring a potluck dish to share. All Souls will provide drinks and desserts. In an effort to make the potluck a zero-waste event, please bring your own plate and silverware. Questions? Please reach out to

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Tuesday Conversations

Tuesday Conversations

Tuesday Conversations is currently meeting (weather dependent) on the lawn at North Boulder Park. This is an open invite group that discusses the passage that will be used for the next Sermon. Questions? Please email Rachel Zylstra. Bring a camp chair or blanket and your morning beverage. All are welcome!

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Philosophy Circle

Philosophy Circle

The Philosophy Circle is a small group of people that LOVE questions and conversations. Each week we read one chapter from great thinkers and writers and engage in senseless and fun dialogue. It is a safe space to explore one's working ideas around reality, meaning, and faith.

  • Philosophy Circle meets every Wednesday morning @ 8am, online.

  • If you’d like to get connected, please reach out to Will Forsythe (

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Women's Circle

This spring, we invite the women of All Souls to come together in community on the first Wednesday of every month at 7pm. You are welcome to attend any of our monthly meetings, no matter when you’re able to join us. 

Our gathering will feature contemplation, sharing stories, small group discussion, and time to connect and socialize. Whether you're new to All Souls or have been part of our community for years, this is an opportunity to build a supportive, inclusive space where we can embrace the beautiful, imperfect journey of living and growing in faith alongside one another.

Please contact Caroline Gezon if you have any questions or if you’re interested in co-hosting a gathering or co-facilitating a session.

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Kids Circle

We are excited for kids to connect with each other! These Sunday gatherings give a space for kids to be with their age group, read and listen to Scripture and stories, practice moments of prayer and quiet and engage in art and play. Kids begin in the worship service with their caregivers, and they will be dismissed at the children's blessing. If you have questions, please contact Rachel Zylstra.

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Sunday Worship: With Contemplation

Sunday Worship: With Contemplation

Please join us for our Sunday worship service at Pine Street Church! A Sunday worship service, with contemplation, is a liturgical service engaging in ancient and traditional practices to experience the presence of God. Kids have their own time of gathering during the service.

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Youth Circle

Our Youth Circles are designed to be places for tweens and teens to gather on Sunday afternoons for fun and connection. Our circles center around building connection with each other and our community, fun, and snacks (of course). Middle and High Schoolers will have separate conversation circles during each Youth Circle. Because we believe that our connection, voices, and actions are powerful you’ll often find us out serving our community so please check the calendar so that you can join in the fun and fellowship. Questions? Please email Rachel Zylstra.

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Tuesday Conversations

Tuesday Conversations

Tuesday Conversations is currently meeting (weather dependent) on the lawn at North Boulder Park. This is an open invite group that discusses the passage that will be used for the next Sermon. Questions? Please email Rachel Zylstra. Bring a camp chair or blanket and your morning beverage. All are welcome!

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Philosophy Circle

Philosophy Circle

The Philosophy Circle is a small group of people that LOVE questions and conversations. Each week we read one chapter from great thinkers and writers and engage in senseless and fun dialogue. It is a safe space to explore one's working ideas around reality, meaning, and faith.

  • Philosophy Circle meets every Wednesday morning @ 8am, online.

  • If you’d like to get connected, please reach out to Will Forsythe (

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Scripture Circle with Tara Owens

Scripture Circle with Tara Owens

Join us for a Scripture Circle with spiritual director Tara Owens! These circles are a unique opportunity to encounter and wrestle with the ancient biblical texts in a safe, intimate gathering. No one else has your story and gifts and the perspective that you bring to seeking God in sacred community, and we're excited to join with you in this vibrant and transformative study circle. 

We’ll be gathering in the community room at Pine Street Church. Please note there are 2 options for pricing. The $25 option covers the cost of the event, and the $35 option helps cover first time attendees and scholarships. Please choose the price that works for you! If this is your first experience attending a Scripture Circle, we invite you to sign up for free (please use the code SCRIPTURE24 when you checkout). Questions? Check out the information page, or email Melissa Dykhuis.

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All Souls Community Hike

All Souls Community Hike

Come and meet up for a short morning hike the first and third Friday of each month, from 7am-8am at Chautauqua! We will start each hike with a contemplative question to ponder and discuss on the trail. We'll meet up at the Ranger Cottage off of the main parking lot at 7am. Please reach out to with questions!

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Sunday Worship: Living Room Conversation

Belonging Starts with Conversation

Living Room Conversation connects people across divides and within communities to build understanding through conversation. This Sunday gathering is structured to increase understanding, reveal common ground and allow us to discuss possible solutions. Living Room Conversations use conversation guides with a structured format to help people with different viewpoints and experiences build understanding. There will be 4-6 other people at a round table. It is not a debate and the goal is not to change one another’s opinion. There are Conversation Agreements like “Listen and Be Curious” and “Show Respect and Suspend Judgment” that create the framework for diving into the questions. The questions are designed to draw out our personal experiences rather than opinions around the topic. The overall purpose is to learn more about the experiences others have and build a sense of community. Come join the conversation.

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Kids Circle

We are excited for kids to connect with each other! These Sunday gatherings give a space for kids to be with their age group, read and listen to Scripture and stories, practice moments of prayer and quiet and engage in art and play. Kids begin in the worship service with their caregivers, and they will be dismissed at the children's blessing. If you have questions, please contact Rachel Zylstra.

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Tuesday Conversations

Tuesday Conversations

Tuesday Conversations is currently meeting (weather dependent) on the lawn at North Boulder Park. This is an open invite group that discusses the passage that will be used for the next Sermon. Questions? Please email Rachel Zylstra. Bring a camp chair or blanket and your morning beverage. All are welcome!

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Philosophy Circle

Philosophy Circle

The Philosophy Circle is a small group of people that LOVE questions and conversations. Each week we read one chapter from great thinkers and writers and engage in senseless and fun dialogue. It is a safe space to explore one's working ideas around reality, meaning, and faith.

  • Philosophy Circle meets every Wednesday morning @ 8am, online.

  • If you’d like to get connected, please reach out to Will Forsythe (

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Sunday Worship: With Wonder

Sunday Worship: With Wonder

Please join us for our Sunday worship service at Pine Street Church! A Sunday worship service, with wonder, is simple contemplative service that includes all ages and creates creative space for imagination, art, and reflection.

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Tuesday Conversations

Tuesday Conversations

Tuesday Conversations is currently meeting (weather dependent) on the lawn at North Boulder Park. This is an open invite group that discusses the passage that will be used for the next Sermon. Questions? Please email Rachel Zylstra. Bring a camp chair or blanket and your morning beverage. All are welcome!

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Philosophy Circle

Philosophy Circle

The Philosophy Circle is a small group of people that LOVE questions and conversations. Each week we read one chapter from great thinkers and writers and engage in senseless and fun dialogue. It is a safe space to explore one's working ideas around reality, meaning, and faith.

  • Philosophy Circle meets every Wednesday morning @ 8am, online.

  • If you’d like to get connected, please reach out to Will Forsythe (

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Women's Circle

This spring, we invite the women of All Souls to come together in community on the first Wednesday of every month at 7pm. You are welcome to attend any of our monthly meetings, no matter when you’re able to join us. 

Our gathering will feature contemplation, sharing stories, small group discussion, and time to connect and socialize. Whether you're new to All Souls or have been part of our community for years, this is an opportunity to build a supportive, inclusive space where we can embrace the beautiful, imperfect journey of living and growing in faith alongside one another.

Please contact Caroline Gezon if you have any questions or if you’re interested in co-hosting a gathering or co-facilitating a session.

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Sunday Worship: With Service

Sunday Worship: With Service

Sunday worship, with service, is a humble and courageous opportunity to connect and serve the greater community around us.

Pine Street and All Souls are joining together to offer our 5th Sunday lunch to the community on Sunday, March 30th at noon. We need volunteers to make this happen! There are 3 shifts of volunteers. Volunteers of all ages are welcome, and children need to be accompanied by their caretaker at all times. Please reach out to Jim Biard ( with any followup questions. CLICK HERE for more information and to sign up for a volunteer shift.

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Dining & Dialogue

Dining & Dialogue

Dining & Dialogue is on Sunday, March 30th! Our Sunday Worship, with Service, is taking place in the morning with our 5th Sunday Lunch participation, so there will not be a service in the afternoon. Dinners will be held in people's homes around Boulder County between 4pm and 7pm. The purpose of these gatherings is to connect folks within the All Souls community. We aim to create both a space for connection and an atmosphere for intentional conversation. 

Please sign up by Monday, March 24th! You will receive email communication from your host with information about location and what to bring. Questions? Please contact Deb Pierce at

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Contemplative Circle

Contemplative Circle

So much of our Christian tradition has been rooted in contemplative and mystical practices such as meditation, centering prayer, lectio divina, and imaginative scripture. During this season of practicing, join us Thursdays at 12pm at Pine Street church for a time to sit in contemplative practices together. Please enter the building through the door off of the ramp on the west side of the building. Questions? Please email

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Philosophy Circle

Philosophy Circle

The Philosophy Circle is a small group of people that LOVE questions and conversations. Each week we read one chapter from great thinkers and writers and engage in senseless and fun dialogue. It is a safe space to explore one's working ideas around reality, meaning, and faith.

  • Philosophy Circle meets every Wednesday morning @ 8am, online.

  • If you’d like to get connected, please reach out to Will Forsythe (

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Youth Circle

Our Youth Circles are designed to be places for tweens and teens to gather on Sunday afternoons for fun and connection. Our circles center around building connection with each other and our community, fun, and snacks (of course). Middle and High Schoolers will have separate conversation circles during each Youth Circle. Because we believe that our connection, voices, and actions are powerful you’ll often find us out serving our community so please check the calendar so that you can join in the fun and fellowship. Questions? Please email Rachel Zylstra.

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Sunday Worship: With Wonder

Sunday Worship: With Wonder

Please join us for our Sunday worship service at Pine Street Church! A Sunday worship service, with wonder, is simple contemplative service that includes all ages and creates creative space for imagination, art, and reflection.

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Listen & Discuss Circle

Listen & Discuss Circle

What about faith? What roles do the two hemispheres of the brain play? Join us in curiosity and discussion on "How Faith can Re-enchant a Left-Brained World" with Iain McGilchrist on Seen & Unseen. Please watch the YouTube video HERE prior to our meeting. Take notes or journal about any curiosities & reflections and bring them to the circle.  Questions? Please email Shannon Fletcher. March 23rd, 2:45-3:45 in the Parlor. Bring your favorite beverage! 

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All Souls Community Hike

All Souls Community Hike

Come and meet up for a short morning hike the first and third Friday of each month, from 7am-8am at Chautauqua! We will start each hike with a contemplative question to ponder and discuss on the trail. We'll meet up at the Ranger Cottage off of the main parking lot at 7am. Please reach out to with questions!

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Contemplative Circle

Contemplative Circle

So much of our Christian tradition has been rooted in contemplative and mystical practices such as meditation, centering prayer, lectio divina, and imaginative scripture. During this season of practicing, join us Thursdays at 12pm at Pine Street church for a time to sit in contemplative practices together. Please enter the building through the door off of the ramp on the west side of the building. Questions? Please email

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Philosophy Circle

Philosophy Circle

The Philosophy Circle is a small group of people that LOVE questions and conversations. Each week we read one chapter from great thinkers and writers and engage in senseless and fun dialogue. It is a safe space to explore one's working ideas around reality, meaning, and faith.

  • Philosophy Circle meets every Wednesday morning @ 8am, online.

  • If you’d like to get connected, please reach out to Will Forsythe (

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Kids Circle

We are excited for kids to connect with each other! These Sunday gatherings give a space for kids to be with their age group, read and listen to Scripture and stories, practice moments of prayer and quiet and engage in art and play. Kids begin in the worship service with their caregivers, and they will be dismissed at the children's blessing. If you have questions, please contact Rachel Zylstra.

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Sunday Worship: With Wonder

Sunday Worship: With Wonder

Please join us for our Sunday worship service at Pine Street Church! A Sunday worship service, with wonder, is simple contemplative service that includes all ages and creates creative space for imagination, art, and reflection.

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Contemplative Circle

Contemplative Circle

So much of our Christian tradition has been rooted in contemplative and mystical practices such as meditation, centering prayer, lectio divina, and imaginative scripture. During this season of practicing, join us Thursdays at 12pm at Pine Street church for a time to sit in contemplative practices together. Please enter the building through the door off of the ramp on the west side of the building. Questions? Please email

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Scripture Circle with Tara Owens

Scripture Circle with Tara Owens

Join us for a Scripture Circle with spiritual director Tara Owens! These circles are a unique opportunity to encounter and wrestle with the ancient biblical texts in a safe, intimate gathering. No one else has your story and gifts and the perspective that you bring to seeking God in sacred community, and we're excited to join with you in this vibrant and transformative study circle. 

We’ll be gathering in the community room at Pine Street Church. Please note there are 2 options for pricing. The $25 option covers the cost of the event, and the $35 option helps cover first time attendees and scholarships. Please choose the price that works for you! If this is your first experience attending a Scripture Circle, we invite you to sign up for free (please use the code SCRIPTURE24 when you checkout). Questions? Check out the information page, or email Melissa Dykhuis.

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Philosophy Circle

Philosophy Circle

The Philosophy Circle is a small group of people that LOVE questions and conversations. Each week we read one chapter from great thinkers and writers and engage in senseless and fun dialogue. It is a safe space to explore one's working ideas around reality, meaning, and faith.

  • Philosophy Circle meets every Wednesday morning @ 8am, online.

  • If you’d like to get connected, please reach out to Will Forsythe (

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Kids Circle

We are excited for kids to connect with each other! These Sunday gatherings give a space for kids to be with their age group, read and listen to Scripture and stories, practice moments of prayer and quiet and engage in art and play. Kids begin in the worship service with their caregivers, and they will be dismissed at the children's blessing. If you have questions, please contact Rachel Zylstra.

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Sunday Worship: With Contemplation

Sunday Worship: With Contemplation

Please join us for our Sunday worship service at Pine Street Church! A Sunday worship service, with contemplation, is a liturgical service engaging in ancient and traditional practices to experience the presence of God. Kids have their own time of gathering during the service.

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Youth Circle

Our Youth Circles are designed to be places for tweens and teens to gather on Sunday afternoons for fun and connection. Our circles center around building connection with each other and our community, fun, and snacks (of course). Middle and High Schoolers will have separate conversation circles during each Youth Circle. Because we believe that our connection, voices, and actions are powerful you’ll often find us out serving our community so please check the calendar so that you can join in the fun and fellowship. Questions? Please email Rachel Zylstra.

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All Souls Community Hike

All Souls Community Hike

Come and meet up for a short morning hike the First and Third Friday of every month, Tuesday from 7am-8am at Chautauqua! We will start each hike with a contemplative question to ponder and discuss on the trail. We'll meet up at the Ranger Cottage off of the main parking lot at 7am. Please reach out to with questions!

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Contemplative Circle

Contemplative Circle

So much of our Christian tradition has been rooted in contemplative and mystical practices such as meditation, centering prayer, lectio divina, and imaginative scripture. During this season of practicing, join us Thursdays at 12pm at Pine Street church for a time to sit in contemplative practices together. Please enter the building through the door off of the ramp on the west side of the building. Questions? Please email

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Women's Circle

This spring, we invite the women of All Souls to come together in community on the first Wednesday of every month at 7pm (March 5, April 2, May 7, June 4). You are welcome to attend any of our monthly meetings, no matter when you’re able to join us. If you know you'll be attending on March 5th, RSVP HERE. And of course, you're welcome to just show up and invite a friend!

Our gathering will feature contemplation, sharing stories, small group discussion, and time to connect and socialize. Whether you're new to All Souls or have been part of our community for years, this is an opportunity to build a supportive, inclusive space where we can embrace the beautiful, imperfect journey of living and growing in faith alongside one another.

Please contact Caroline Gezon if you have any questions or if you’re interested in co-hosting a gathering or co-facilitating a session.

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Ash Wednesday Service

Ash Wednesday Service

Join us on Ash Wednesday as we enter the sacred season of Lent with a time of reflection, prayer, and the marking of ashes. We will offer two contemplative services at:

12:30 PM: A midday pause for quiet reflection and renewal.
6:00 PM: An evening gathering to center our hearts and spirits.

Both services will include moments of stillness, prayer stations, and the imposition of ashes. Wherever you find yourself on your spiritual journey, you are welcome to step into this space of intention and community.

"Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return."

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Ash Wednesday Service

Ash Wednesday Service

Join us on Ash Wednesday as we enter the sacred season of Lent with a time of reflection, prayer, and the marking of ashes. We will offer two contemplative services at:

12:30 PM: A midday pause for quiet reflection and renewal.
6:00 PM: An evening gathering to center our hearts and spirits.

Both services will include moments of stillness, prayer stations, and the imposition of ashes. Wherever you find yourself on your spiritual journey, you are welcome to step into this space of intention and community.

"Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return."

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