Epiphany: Hometown Prophet

Luke 4:21-30

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church from the Gospel of Luke:

21 Then he said to them, “Today, in your hearing, this scripture passage is fulfilled.” 22 All who were present spoke favorably of him; they marveled at the eloquence of the words on Jesus’ lips. They said, “Surely this isn’t Mary and Joseph’s son!” 23 Jesus said to them, “Undoubtedly you’ll quote me the proverb, ‘Physician, heal yourself,’ and say, ‘Do here in your own country the things we heard you did in Capernaum.’ 24 But the truth is, prophets never gain acceptance in their hometowns. 25 “The truth is, there were many women who were widowed in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the heavens remained closed for three and a half years and a great famine spread over the land. 26 It was to none of these that Elijah was sent, but to a woman who had been widowed in Zarephath, near Sidon. 27 Recall, too, that many had leprosy in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, yet not one was cured except Naaman the Syrian.” 28 At these words, the whole audience in the synagogue was filled with indignation. 29 They rose up and dragged Jesus out of town, leading him to the brow of the hill on which the city was built, with the intention of hurling him over the edge. 30 But he moved straight through the crowd and walked away.

This is the word of the Lord.         Thanks be to God


Epiphany: Experiencing Christ


Epiphany: Release