Eastertide: Dwelling

John 14: 21-29

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church from the Gospel of John:

23 Jesus answered, “Those who love me will be true to my word,

and Abba God will love them;

and we will come to them

and make our dwelling place with them. 24 Those who don’t love me

don’t keep my words.

Yet the message you hear is not mine;

it comes from Abba God who sent me. 25 This much have I said to you while still with you; 26 but the Advocate, the Holy Spirit

whom Abba God will send in my name,

will instruct you in everything

and she will remind you of all that I told you. 27 Peace I leave with you;

my peace I give to you;

but the kind of peace I give you

is not like the world’s peace.

Don’t let your hearts be distressed;

don’t be fearful. 28 You’ve heard me say,

‘I am going away but I will return.’

If you really loved me,

you would rejoice because I am going to Abba God,

for Abba is greater than I. 29 I tell you this now, before it happens,

so that when it happens you will believe.

This is the word of the Lord.         Thanks be to God


Eastertide: Elder Marissa Saints


Eastertide: Glory