Enneagram Panel
When we don’t get what we want:
Responding to Conflict, Tension, and Disappointment.
The Enneagram comes alive through Panels! There is no better way to hear of the habitual perspectives, challenges and joys of Enneagram Types than through the stories and experiences of real people sharing about their own lives. Beyond exploring the patterns of your own type, panels also invite newcomers and experts alike to get a sense of how others perceive and respond to the world- a proven method of growing compassion and kindness for difference.
At this panel we'll explore our responses to the many ways we don’t get what we want and offer meaningful practices that help us metabolize the discomfort of things going sideways.
With an election and traditional holiday season around the corner there is a lot of potential for experiencing conflict, tension, and disappointment- all versions of not getting what we hope for- over these next months. We’ll see how the Enneagram can be a wonderful resource to become aware of and meaningfully work with our habitual ways of responding to these discomforts.
Narrative Enneagram Teacher Adam Bailon will be on hand to facilitate the panel and following conversation. We’ll gather at Pine St. Church on Monday, October 7th, from 6:30-8:30pm.
RSVP HERE (not required but it helps us plan!) and invite your friends! Questions? Please email Adam Bailon.